Februrary 2023 Preschool Newsletter
Posted on February 13, 2023
Hello and happy new year from the TCC preschool classroom. We have noticed many of our students working together, communicating, and practicing flexibility as they play with open ended materials in our outdoor classroom. In the photo at right, we see students working together to make a train out of large milk crates. Together the children decided on a destination and added many details to their pretend play. Here at Trust Children's Center we love to see the children working with loose parts such as this and using their imaginations to make it their own.
Learning Outcomes:
- Self and Social Development: Working with a group of peers in play such as this asks our students to practice taking both leading and following roles in play. Many ideas are shared, and they have to work together to decide which direction the play will go. Throughout this play many students are also sharing their ideas of what they imagine a train ride entails. Sharing these social schemas with one another helps everyone learn and possibly see a scenario from a new perspective.
- Language Development: There is so much communication that happens in moments like these. New vocabulary is shared, ideas are shared, feelings are shared. Sociodramatic play is a great time for children to practice their language and communication skills.
- Physical Development: We have a growing number of large, open ended materials, in our outdoor classroom that engage the students in "heavy work" which is great for their gross motor skills and proprioceptive development.
If you would like to take a look at more recent activities in our preschool classroom, here is our February class update: https://mailchi.mp/ff9319d9be7f/preschool-update-february-10th-20273796